Pradip Bhandari

Meet Pradip, the green soul and storyteller behind the foliage-filled pages of this garden blog. With soil-stained hands and a heart deeply rooted in nature, Pradip brings a wealth of gardening experience, tips, and a dash of poetic inspiration to your gardening journey.
23 Articles

Curling Pothos Leaves: A Guide to Identification, Causes, and Solutions

Indoor plants, especially the ever-popular pothos, can bring a touch of nature

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

In-Depth Guide to Successful Salvia Gardening

Salvia, commonly known as sage, encompasses a diverse group of plants that

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

How and When to Harvest Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds, those delicious kernels packed with nutrients, are a delightful addition

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari