Latest Plants News

How to Prune Determinate Tomatoes: A Step-by-Step Guide

Determinate tomatoes are a type of tomato plant that grows to a

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

Curling Pothos Leaves: A Guide to Identification, Causes, and Solutions

Indoor plants, especially the ever-popular pothos, can bring a touch of nature

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

How and When to Harvest Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds, those delicious kernels packed with nutrients, are a delightful addition

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

What are the steps to prune climbing roses?

Climbing roses are an enchanting addition to any garden, with their cascading

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How to Propagate Peperomia: A Beginner’s Guide

Introduction Peperomia plants, known for their charming foliage and ease of care,

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How Do Pistachios Grow?

Pistachios are a delightful and nutritious snack that many of us enjoy,

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How to Propagate String of Hearts: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you're a plant enthusiast or just looking to expand your indoor

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How to Fertilize Hostas: Best Guide

Hostas, with their lush leaves and elegant charm, are the darlings of

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How to Fertilize Air Plants: A Comprehensive Guide

Air plants, scientifically known as Tillandsia, are unique and fascinating plants that

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How to Use Osmocote Fertilizer: A Complete Guide

Gardening is a rewarding and fulfilling hobby, but it requires some care

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