Latest Plants News

How to Propagate Fiddle Leaf Fig [Best Guide]

Fiddle Leaf Figs, scientifically known as Ficus lyrata, are renowned for their

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

How to Propagate a Snake Plant: A Beginners Guide

Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria, are not only visually appealing but

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

How to Repot a Spider Plant: A Beginner’s Guide to Healthy Growth

Repotting is a crucial aspect of caring for houseplants, and spider plants

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

How to Fix Spider Plant Brown Tips: A Step-by-Step Guide

Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are popular houseplants known for their resilience and

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

How to Plant Aloe Vera Leaf Without Roots?

Aloe vera, renowned for its medicinal properties and attractive succulent foliage, is

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

how to prune a fig tree in a pot?

Pruning a fig tree in a pot might seem like a daunting

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

Benefits of Using Sheep Manure in The Garden

Welcome, green thumbs and garden enthusiasts, to a baa-brilliant journey into the

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

How to Make Soil Acidic for Blueberries? [A Simple Guide]

Do your blueberries seem a bit lackluster? Are they not reaching the

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

When Is the Best Time to Prune Crepe Myrtle Trees?

Crepe myrtle trees, known for their vibrant blooms and distinctive bark, are

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari

How to Prune a Beefsteak Tomato Plant: A Simple Guide

Beefsteak tomato plants, known for their large and flavorful fruits, have become

Pradip Bhandari Pradip Bhandari